Wednesday, August 19, 2015

They work together ! google drive plug in for Microsoft Office

There is a new google drive plug-in for Microsoft Office

google drive plug-in
I was checking what is new in google Apps for education and I came across with this new plug-in. You wonder, what is a plug in? well a plug in is a software component that adds a feature to an existing software application.

So this plug-in will allow users to open and save files to their google drive from any Microsoft Office application.

That would save the user time since they won't have to open a browser, download a file then edit it, and finally upload it again.

Below is the address:

So my tip for today:

If you are running office 2013 or Office 365 as part of a subscription and have files stored on google drive, give it a try.

Friday, August 7, 2015

School has started ...... call tech support

School has started and we are flooded with requests.

tech team
A positive attitude always makes the job easy. The school year just started and even though we try to be as much prepared as we can, there are always some loose ends.

We are handling the requests as they come and we recommend using the ticketing system to our users.

It's going to be a great year.