Thursday, October 30, 2014

My google drive is different!!! can't find my shared with me folder

Incoming is the new shared with me folder.

With online applications the users aren't normally aware of an upcoming change. Since they are online, the application can change overnight without any user input.

The good news about the google drive is that as for now you can go back to the "old drive". Go to settings and click on leave new drive.

My tip for today:

I like the new drive. They have made some improvements to it that we just need to get used to.
Just don't panic, the shared with me folder now its named incoming and all your stuff is still there!

See you soon with more tips.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Where did i Put that Email? ...Skip the Email, just share it on your google drive.

Advantages of using Google drive or other shared spaces.

I would like to list some reasons to start using cloud storage and stop using email as your only collaborating tool.

Where did i put that email??

  • Space limitations. Must emails have a quota of how much data can be sent through an email. So if you have a large file or picture, it is not possible to send via email.
  • Different versions of the same document. Sometimes while collaborating the document that is being work on has several revisions or versions and it would be hard to keep up with which is the latest version when you have several email with attachments and worse if several people is modifying the same document. On a shared document it is only one document that is online, and of course that would be the latest version.
  • Save one log in. This might not apply to everybody, but in our district, students that use chromebooks, have to log in on wifi, then to their google account and since the only email they can access is the one provided by the district (microsoft) then, there it goes another log in if the document is sent by email. However if it is shared, they would be able to see it on their google drive without having to log in.
  • Privacy settings. The user that shared the file can decide who can view or who can edit the 
  • Better organised. It is a bad practice but users tend to use their email as a cloud storage and then have a hard time trying to keep up with it.
I am sure that there are other advantages that i didn't cover but those are all I could come up with really fast.

So my tip for today:

Stop using your  email as a cloud storage.  Start using your google drive or one drive, after all they work better for collaborating and they are free :).

See you soon with more tools.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Can we go back to the old phone system???

The user resistance to change. 

We just updated our old telephone system to a new voice over IP telephone system and it has been a nightmare. Not only dealing with the telephone company but with resistant to change users.

I know its different, its going to take some time to learn it but at the same time the old system was literally  falling apart and we needed a new one.

Telephone systems cost a lot of money and it wouldn't be wise to replace an old system with another already obsolete system. It would be like buying a new PC and installing Windows ME on it.

So my tip for today:

Give yourself time to learn the new system and allow yourself to make some mistakes. You will learn to love the advantages of this new technology sooner than you think.

see you soon with new tips.