Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Who you gonna call?

When facing computer problems, Who you gonna call?

As a user myself, I sometimes face issues with software I am trying to use or deploy. As part of education system,  we tech people also have a helpdesk support in Frankfort we could call if needed. However, it is important to know whom to call. When it is a internal operations issue we call our helpdesk, otherwise, when it is a software application issue, then we need to call the software company support.

I  know it is a fine line and I guess as a user calling your own tech support would be the first option for most users and that is ok. 

My Tip today : There are several sources of help we could use.

  • GOOGLE IT. Don't underestimate the power of "googleing".
  • FAQ. In most websites they have a FAQ (frequently asked question) sections where they have posted questions and answers to common questions.
  • FORUMS.  most software companies also have forums where users can go and post issues they are experiencing and they get answers from other users.

Of course when all this options fail, call me :D, but don't be like some users that work for 2-5 days and call everybody on their contact list and then, when the level of frustration is 200 (on a scale from 1-10), they call tech support.... It is hard for us too.

Hope these tips help you and I'll be back soon.

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