Friday, December 2, 2016

Android phones and gooligan malware -Don't Panic

Gooligan malware and android phones.

A couple of days ago it was in announced that Google has suffered a massive malware infection affecting over one million android users across the globe.

A security firm named Check Point Technologies was the one the found this malware and announced it. There is a website they have posted where users can enter the email account they use for  google (usually is a gmail account) and it will let the users know if the account has been compromised.  Below is the link.

Gooligan Check Point

Tips for today:


1) If your phone or tablet is running androig 6.0 (marshmallow) or newer, then it is not affected.
2) Moreover if you only install apps on your phone from the google play store and don't install apps from third party places then more likely your account hasn't been compromised.


If you own an old phone (running android 4.0 kitkat or 5.0 lollipop ) and are the kind of user that likes to jail brake the phones or install apps from third party app stores (other than amazon) in order the get free apps that are supposed to be paid. Then you might be infected.

I want to wish everyone Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2017.

See you soon with more tips :)

Friday, May 27, 2016

Windows 10 free upgrade offer to end on July 29 2016

Don’t miss out! The free upgrade offer to Windows 10 will end on July 29, 2016

Microsoft has been making Windows 10 available as a free upgrade for compatible devices that are running genuine Windows 7 Service Pack 1 or Windows 8.1 Update.  However, this offer is coming to an end.
Not that I want to push you to upgrade if you don't want to, but if you have been just thinking about it, then it is time to line all your ducks in a row.
Remember to make sure your computer is compatible with windows 10 and check with your manufacturer if they have available drivers for your hardware for windows 10.
for more info check this link:
See you soon with more tips.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Microsoft Clutter.... very cool feature.

Clean clutter free inbox.

I am sure by now you have met the new folder /tool included on your  microsoft's email accounts. They named it "clutter".

What about junk email ? you  might be asking. Well , clutter is not the same as junk.   Although both will be filtered out of your inbox, junk email is evaluated and filtered first, then after that, clutter analyzes the remaining messages and filters out the types of messages that you usually ignore or don't respond to.

This means that clutter is a very smart feature that filters emails according to the user's behavior!.

So what to do if you see some emails in the clutter box that you want them on your inbox?

Move then to inbox and clutter will get the signal that you want that particular emails on your inbox.

So my tip for today:

If you are having issues with clutter filtering important emails out of your inbox, just get in the habit of check your clutter folder and parse it to find message that you might not consider clutter.

See you soon with more tips.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Is it really about costumers? ....Apple vs FBI

What the FBI is really asking vs Apple marketing campaign

I had to put my two cents in this matter since it really aggravates me the amount of miss interpretation it could come from all this tweets from Apple vs. FBI. 

Apple vs FBI
In a nut shell what the FBI is asking to Apple is to allow them inside one single iPhone. The one used by terrorists in the San Bernadino attack. The phone apparently is locked and the FBI is asking Apple help to unlock the phone. 

Now Apple has started a big anti-FBI campaign and included all their costumers on it. Of course in the mean time they are using all this to market their phones as so secure  that not the FBI can access it. I am not so sure about the so claimed security since the iCloud has been hacked before.

What it bothers me the most is this that this is a matter of national security and Apple is basically using it to gain costumers (IMO). 

We are all entitled to believe whatever we want but I just wish people would be more informed.

Friday, January 15, 2016

The easiest path to our hearts

Keeping up with social networks trends #bringdonuts

Bring Donuts

We are constantly joking  about feeling unappreciated, I guess it is part of working in a service department. Nobody remember us when everything is going "peachy". In fact there is people that don't know who we are and what we do. 

So yesterday we took this picture as many people do on social networks. David decided to make the "O" look like a donut.

It is ok to have fun at work, makes the days go smother. 

Monday, November 30, 2015

Clean and disassociate used iPad / iPhone before selling it.

Things to do before selling or transferring  your used iPad/ iPod/ iPhone.

It is Christmas season and a lot of people are getting a new upgraded iPad or iPhone. Some might
decide to sell or gave their devices to other people or family members.

Before selling your device make sure you have erase all your personal data as pictures, files, music, etc. To do that go to settings, general and select "erase all content and settings".

Also, you will need to go to open  your itunes application on your computer. Sign in with your itunes account and then view your associated devices and removed the one that you want to sale or transfer. There is a period of 90 days to disassociate a device. It might not let you disassociate a device that has been linked to your itunes in the last 30 days.

This might sound cumbersome but it is worth doing it.

So my tip for today:

Please make sure you have cleaned all your personal info from you device before you sale it and in case of doubt go to apple support website. There is plenty of information there to help users out.

Monday, October 12, 2015

To upgrade? or not upgrade?....

Check before you upgrade to Windows 10

I have heard from a few users and friends that after upgrading from windows 7 to windows 10 (without asking me first!), they are experiencing some problems with their computer display.  They just couldn't resist the temptation :)

If your computer is running windows 8.1 more likely you will be ok to do the upgrade.  But, if it is running windows 7, then i would really check that the manufacturer of your computer has drivers for your device for windows 10.

Most of the cases they were able to make the computer work, but the resolution of the screen was below the recommended causing them not to be able to see some of the components on some windows.

So my tip for today:

If you are not sure if your computer can run windows 10, it is better to ask before upgrade. Also, since it is so new, maybe it will pay to give the manufacturers a little time to catch up.

see you soon with more tips.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Trojans, viruses and other malware.

Think before you open a file or link. Practice safe internet practices.

I wanted to talk to you about the difference between trojans, viruses and other malware.


Viruses: A computer virus is a type of software that normally self replicates and can spread copies of themselves. Many times without the user interaction.

Trojans (trojan horse) : Trojan is another type of malware named after the wooden horse the greeks used to infiltrate Troy. It is a harmful software that looks legitimate. Users are tricked to execute the program in the believes that is something good or something the were looking for.

Ransomeware : Ransomeware is a type of malware that restricts the user from accessing its computer or personal files and demands the user to pay a ransom.

There are other kinds of malware out there as worms, bots, spyware, etc.

Many times, users feel safe to surf the web or opening files or attachments on the emails because their computers have an antivirus installed. However, in the case of trojan horses, if the user click yes or execute a file, that will install the malware and the antivirus won't stop it.

How to prevent it? the best way to prevent from getting a virus or trojan or ransomeware is practicing safe internet surfing and backing up files,

My tips for today:

  1. use an antivirus
  2. choose strong passwords
  3. backup your files (either on a dvd, flashdrive, cloud). My favorite is in the cloud. (one drive, google drive, dropbox, etc)
  4. use email and internet safety. Ignore unsolicited emails. Don't open attachments unless you know the sender and you were expecting it.
  5. Avoid untrustworthy downloads, freeware, etc.
See you soon with more tips.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

They work together ! google drive plug in for Microsoft Office

There is a new google drive plug-in for Microsoft Office

google drive plug-in
I was checking what is new in google Apps for education and I came across with this new plug-in. You wonder, what is a plug in? well a plug in is a software component that adds a feature to an existing software application.

So this plug-in will allow users to open and save files to their google drive from any Microsoft Office application.

That would save the user time since they won't have to open a browser, download a file then edit it, and finally upload it again.

Below is the address:

So my tip for today:

If you are running office 2013 or Office 365 as part of a subscription and have files stored on google drive, give it a try.

Friday, August 7, 2015

School has started ...... call tech support

School has started and we are flooded with requests.

tech team
A positive attitude always makes the job easy. The school year just started and even though we try to be as much prepared as we can, there are always some loose ends.

We are handling the requests as they come and we recommend using the ticketing system to our users.

It's going to be a great year.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Gearing up for next school year

During summer we get ready for next school year.

working during the summer
While students and most of the staff takes the summer off, we technology people and other staff (maintenance, grounds, board office, etc) stay working through the summer to make sure we are ready for the next school year to start.

I am sure pretty soon there will be teachers coming in and out of their classrooms as the month of july goes by. I have worked in the school system for almost 10 years and it is always exciting for me getting ready for the first day of school. It is stressing too :) but we have survived it every time.

My tip for today is:

Enjoy your summer students, in the mean time we will get ready for the next school year!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

By-By old Technology......

You did a great job but now it's time to part ways.

With the school year over, we start our summer replacement projects.

By by E-scrap 
So long old technology, a new windows is on its way and you won't be able to handle it.  Microsoft just announced yesterday that they will release Windows 10 to the public in July 29th.  We can't wait for it!

Looking at this pile of workstations reminds me of many users and friends that won't part with their old workstations. After all they have put hard earned money on it.

Unfortunately technology never stops, so even when the hardware part is still on running conditions, if we want to be productive and able to accomplish some work, we must depart from old technology. I know of people still holding up to Windows XP.

So my tip for today,

Whatever old technology you have in your house that is just collecting dust and using space, it is time to move on. The old excuse that 'we can let our kids to play with it', it is not realistic since most games are online and need updated browsers and plug-ins. Say by-by to old technology and have a great summer 2015!

See you soon with more technology tips.