Thursday, November 20, 2014

what career or major to take?

Being prepared for the future includes having technology skills.

I was checking on my twitter and I came across the hashtag #futureready.  It is related to a president initiative name ConnectED. The main idea of this initiative is to prepare american students with the skills they need to get good jobs and compete in the global economy demands.

That really captured my attention. It is really important for students to be ready to face a labor force that will require them to have technology skills.  Not only be able to use iphones and ipads and all those devices they comfortably use but to be able to be productive with them.

I have heard young people make comments that they don't like technology or computers because they don't like math or feel that they are inadequate because their grades in math are not as good, etc. Also, students are picking a career or major basing their decision on those fears.

Independently of what career path students chose, they will have to have computer skills. We all need to encourage kids to be future ready and in fact to select technology or any other STEM career.

The punch line today, while I was encouraging a student to pick computer science as his major instead of social studies, it was the fact that many people complain about calling tech support of any kind and always getting someone with a foreign accent, so I told him,  you have to power to change it! you all need to pick computer science.

So my tip for today:

Don't be afraid of technology, stay on top of it!


see you soon.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

The problem with the chromebooks.... is it really a problem?

The biggest complaint about chromebooks.

The problem with the chromebooks?
The biggest complaint people have made about chromebooks is that they only work with an internet connection. That is not true. There are some things that can be done offline. Yes it is very limited what you can do off line but to be honest, i don't know many people that owns a computer, ipad, etc. that uses them to work offline.

The other complaint I have heard is from the people that travels a lot and want to get some work done while flying. That is not a problem anymore because airlines offer wi-fi internet on their flights nowadays.

I our school district we have deployed 500+ chromebooks to students. We have wifi coverage on all our buildings. The students love them and can actually produce finished products on them like presentations, videos, documents, websites, blogs, etc. The price is very accessible, they come with a keyboard and webcam and they are so easy to use.

Are they the same as a PC? of course no, that would be comparing apples to oranges. 
Are the iPads cooler than them? maybe, but their price by the time you include a keyboard is almost un-affordable in this economy.

So my tip for today:

Don't let the fact that chromebooks need a internet connection to work best make you ignore its advantages. Christmas is coming we all need to be wise with our budget too. 

see you soon with more tips.