Thursday, February 18, 2016

Is it really about costumers? ....Apple vs FBI

What the FBI is really asking vs Apple marketing campaign

I had to put my two cents in this matter since it really aggravates me the amount of miss interpretation it could come from all this tweets from Apple vs. FBI. 

Apple vs FBI
In a nut shell what the FBI is asking to Apple is to allow them inside one single iPhone. The one used by terrorists in the San Bernadino attack. The phone apparently is locked and the FBI is asking Apple help to unlock the phone. 

Now Apple has started a big anti-FBI campaign and included all their costumers on it. Of course in the mean time they are using all this to market their phones as so secure  that not the FBI can access it. I am not so sure about the so claimed security since the iCloud has been hacked before.

What it bothers me the most is this that this is a matter of national security and Apple is basically using it to gain costumers (IMO). 

We are all entitled to believe whatever we want but I just wish people would be more informed.